discover His presence
It's time to anticipate MY goodness.The time of anticipating harm is over. You must not fall prey to it any longer, for it will not release the well of MY good pleasure over you. You are fair My Love, and I have so many good gifts to lavish on you. Joy overflowing will well up as you learn to drink often, consistently from the rivers of My pleasure over you. Remember My delight, and to delight in My goodness. Enter into the Joy of the Lord. We are One. My Joy is your Joy. When I drank the cup of suffering I payed for your Joy. It was Your Joy and mine together, that was set before Me. I drank of the cup, the bitter cup in the garden, knowing that My resurrection power through you would bring us together into this place of drinking the JOY of the Lord together, in FULLNESS. I died for that joy, to be resurrected in you as you are resurrected in Me into the fullness of new life. It is not a theory, it is an actuality. Step in. Step in My love. Don't you know, Don't you see that the reality of the unseen realm is more actual that the physical one. Don't you recognize that your ability to embrace this reality affects all that you are, all that you manifest on this earth, and it takes faith, so jump in. Step into the unseen realm beloved one and drink. Drink deeply of the river's of My pleasure over you. You must learn to drink at all times and you will be a river, a fountain, a grazing place, for my sheep who are broken weary and wounded to safely come and drink and rest and sleep in peace where no fear can alarm them. Because I am in you , you can be all of this and more. You do not know yet what you can be, but let's start with this: you are a healing fountain. I in you and You in Me - We are one, and that is more than enough for any circumstance. But do not wander. Do not wander from the truth into earthly realities or the strain of everyday pushing.-That is not entering into My rest. It is easier than you know. I give you permission to forget. Forget the stressful way of thinking; the mind patterns you used to walk in, the headaches of worry and condemnation, the tension. Forget the past and live in the NOW moment, where you are free to express all that I am in it's fullness. Be irresistibly beautiful to Me. Walk in your GLORY, the glory that I have given you as MY bride to be, My love, My cherished one. Walk knowing how you are dressed in My ever present presence and beauty. Walk in your authority in the heavenly realm, like a queen, humble enough to love the lowly, wise enough not to stoop to living an oppressed life. Carry yourself like a true lady of My courts, ruling and reigning, learning the royal ways. Remember your shoes. Take a look, what do they look like. I give you permission to step anywhere, and not be soiled by the toxins around you. You will not be harmed as you go out to the garbage dumps, to the streets with needles to the poverty stricken areas of the world where bugs and debris hide everywhere. You have your shoes on. Did you not know that they are also boots, hidden neath that royal gown, yes they transform with the terrain. They are made for you, for your journey, for your calling, for your new lifestyle of loving the lost. Your message is simple. Not some fancy evangelist spiel, but a message of love. Simply tell them they are loved and demonstrate the kingdom so they know it. You will learn to stand in these new shoes. I know it's like learning to walk in heels again. You are after all at a different level than you were before, but it's time. You have grown my love, and we mustn't stay the same, but you will learn to dance. Amidst the garbage dumps, the slums, in the cardboard houses and the dreary rooms, you will learn to dance in these shoes, with perfect balance and poise- eventually. But first let's learn to take our first steps- a little wobbly, but you'll get it, and don't worry, I've got your hand. I am the One beside you, in you, through you, holding it all together, bringing balance, proper alignment, distinguishing you from the frauds by My perfect love that casts out fear. Fear will not be able to stand in Your presence, because you are learning to carry so much of ME- My peace, My Joy, My relishing of LIFE and ADVENTURE. The adventure is awaiting! ANTICIPATE!
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November 2024