Healing your Heart and Finding Freedom after an Abortion
It’s been an honor to be deeply trusted with the stories and hearts of a few women who’ve courageously shared with vulnerability about their abortions. This is such a hot topic in today’s society that the enemy – shame, works hard to keep abortions hidden out of sight, which makes healing difficult and without God, next to impossible. If you need healing from abortion take a moment to read / pray this through with Holy Spirit. If something new comes up as well give it to God and ask for cleansing. Take your time to cry when you need to.
(There are so many scenarios that can’t all be covered here. Praying grief off of other siblings or children may be necessary too- even if they didn’t consciously know about the abortion, their spirits can carry the grief.) Words in italics are the prayer. This is not a formula It’s only written out this way to reach people who have never had the courage to speak about it.- Take your time to personalize it!
I forgive the one who got me pregnant______________. I cut all ungodly soul ties between myself and him ( them- if it was a gang rape. ) I choose to extend forgiveness- because Christ has forgiven Me. I forgive Myself.
Purity: God I ask that you come and cover any sexual sins by your blood. I repent of partnering with any seducing spirit and a spirit of harlotry. I rebuke a spirit of whoredom, which says, “ I’m desperate and giving away or selling sex will fix my problems or that I am a whore and no better than a prostitute slut or ________.” I renounce that lie in Jesus name. Jesus what truth would you have me believe about myself?_____________________________________________ I renounce the lie that without a man I am nothing. I decree that I am free in Jesus to fully become all that I am meant to be : strong, powerful and free.
I forgive myself for being scared and or feeling obligated to have an abortion. I forgive myself for the killing of my baby. I forgive myself for not trusting your plans for my future God and for your protection or provision. I acknowledge that ( even though I may not understand )this child was sent to be a gift that would bring healing to my heart and blessings to the world. I repent of partnering with a spirit of rejection and for rejecting myself as well. Spirit of rejection go now in Jesus name!
I forgive anyone who pressured me, coerced me or did not support my pregnancy as a joyous gift to me and the world. I repent of murder and what it did to my child and my own soul. God, I invite you to bring healing to my broken heart and my soul. Come and bring healing to that time space and place. God I Invite you to come and sever the agreement I made with death, murder, abortion, and moloch (especially if the “mom” pictured placing this child in any kind of a door during the abortion or any other kind of witchcraft,) rachel ( a spirit of weeping and grief over lost children.) and grief. I ask that you break up any contract with them in the heavens and cover my sins with you blood. I command them all, and any partnering spirits to go now. God I repent and renounce for myself and my generations the desire to die or a death wish, or early going to heaven, I renounce the spirits of death and murder, premature dying and self murder. In Jesus name we break the bands of death and hatred of life. I repent and turn. I release life to myself and my family line. The Lord rebuke you self murder ( a spirit that partner s with sickness to bring on early death).... Infirmity go in Jesus name. Loose Me now and any parts of me from Sheol, the pit and the grave.... Jesus,I hand to you the grief……… the heaviness, and regret.. Leave me now in Jesus name. I cancel your assignment over My life and My generations....
( take a moment here and allow your emotions to release……..Let it go) . I ask that the spirit of abortion’s assignment to abort my dreams and destiny be cancelled in the name of Jesus. I renounce the lie that I don’t have a right to live anymore. Jesus, I accept your sacrifice for my sin in my place. I receive from You Jesus back my Purpose, Joy and Hope. I command hope deferred off. I command delay to go now in Jesus name! I receive back from you the covering for my shame. Shame I command you to go now in Jesus name. I renounce the lie that I have nothing valuable to offer the world or give to people. I bind any spirits of self hatred, self harm, suicide and self murder( subconsciously starving or neglecting yourself) and command them to leave me now in Jesus name. Go Now! Jesus, I give you my shame, pain and rejection. What do You have for me in return? I am valuable, worthy of love; worthy to be a mother again, worthy of Love and Forgiveness. I declare I am not inferior, and I can walk out of pain into freedom and LIFE.
In the name of Jesus, I bind any spirit of trauma, torment or grief assigned to me and command them off me now. I declare my nighttime dreams and sleep belong to the King of Kings, King Jesus and I ask you break off any tormenting spirits causing nightmares. I ask for an assignment of angels to guard me as I sleep and protect my dreams. I command guilt and condemnation to go now in Jesus name. I will not partner with you any longer I am redeemed. Go now in Jesus name!
Can you see where Jesus is in the room with you? Jesus In exchange for all this pain, shame rejection, guilt, trauma, torture and torment what do You have for me in return?
Can I see my baby? Did you know your baby is safe in Heaven, specially cared for and full of LIFE. Would you like to name them? Feel free to ask Jesus if it was a boy or a girl. Then ask Him if He will take you to see you baby? Talk to them/him/her. They have forgiven you. Christ has forgiven you. You are forgiven! Are you ready? Ask Him…… “Can I see my baby?” Spend some time in Heaven healing with your baby ( or sometimes an older child now) in your arms.
Here are some affirmations you could speak over yourself to let truth saturate your soul. If you have trouble saying them the first time repeat them often until the truth sets you free.
Because I receive Jesus’s forgiveness:
I am a child of God, born again, adopted, chosen, loved.
I am worthy of His forgiveness.
I am cleansed and clean
I am not garbage. I am not trash a reject or a burden.
I am God’s delight. Isaiah 62:4
I will look to Him and be radiant. My face will not be ashamed Psalm 34:5
I decree that I am free in Jesus to fully become all that I am meant to be : Strong, Powerful and Free.
I am accepted and loved by God
Jesus came so I could have life, abundantly
I have a right to live and dream and succeed and be happy
I am worthy of protection
I am worth caring for and I choose healthy self care and to nourish myself.
I’m going to be ok
I can find safe people to share my pain with and they will still value me. Vulnerability brings me freedom!
I am worthy of having a child again
I am worth a lot ( the sacrifice of Jesus) and I can say no to sexual advances that would rob me of my purity and intimacy in Christ.
I am cherished by God! My life is precious and meaningful.
I was sent with a purpose and a calling which I will fulfill.
Hugs from my heart to yours,
Crystal Jardine
Note see also:
Psalm 107:14
He brought them out of the utter darkness, and tore off their shackles.