![]() I heard and felt this word yesterday morning for you all. Don't let fear or striving become your taskmasters in 2023. I hear the Lord saying, Come into my rest. Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted in the nations and I will be exalted in your life as you REST in Me. Come out of the place of striving. Come out of the place of fear. I sense that for many of you this year is going to be a year where you face some of your greatest fears that have held you back. They've been like shackles keeping you in a place called stuck and God is calling you to come out of alignment with fear. Remove the shackles and step into His glorious promises…..but it will take the risk of faith. So I bless you, with incredible faith to abound and I declare over you, you will see the miracles flowing in and through your life, in your finances, in your health, in your relationships, in your opportunities. I see the Lord giving many of you golden keys to open doors that were previously closed or inaccessible to you in past seasons. And I just speak over you Faith that moves mountains, Faith that moves mountains. I decree over you that the mindset of the past that limited your thinking, that limited your forward momentum, that limited your energy and kept you in a place of exhaustion and sickness, I see Jesus coming with keys and He is breaking, He is shattering the chains of the past and He is saying "Not this time". It's time to move forward with Me." And He is extending his hand and saying if you will take my hand that I am extending to you and step with Me into the new year then there will be a precision in unlocking the plans that I have for you, says the Lord and it will be life giving to your body, soul and in spirit and eventually in your family. Why I say eventually is because in the shifting, I see that there are some realignments that are necessary and people will need to adjust to the new you as you step out in faith instead of fear. But I bless you in the name of Jesus to step out with His hand in yours following His lead in a powerful way this year. Thank you for all the ways that you have supported us! Thank you for all the ways you've prayed for us! Thank you for encouraging us as we step into new things in 2023 and I look forward to working with many of you in the new year. Have an amazing new year.
January 2025