Come away a while, sit a while and let me talk to you one on one for a moment: Father to daughter, Father to son.
First, I would never abandon you, so in all the places where you have questions, where you feel like I may have dropped the ball and where you wonder if My miracle power is still going to show up- KNOW that I am holding you in the midst of the uncertainty. You’ve been feeling the shaking, the rattling of dry bones, but you must see that they are rattling because I am about to bring flesh onto them and make them live. The things in your life that appear dead- like a plant that hasn’t emerged in the spring- I am showing you My resurrection power in. Oh there are things you’ve let go of, and I’m not speaking of those things.. I’m speaking of the new things in the blueprints that I’m telling you to pour your energy and attention into- where you have not yet seen life- KEEP WATERING THEM- for I will bring nourishment to so many through you as you continue to sow into the places where I send you and where I have drawn a line in the sand for you. You will step out and declare- “This is who I am – This is what I’m called for”- and you will become fearless; more fearless than you’ve ever been before. Take MY empathy- My ability to feel what others are going through, and wear it- it will be one of your greatest tools to heal the hearts of others- take MY courage-It is the opposite of the fear that gets so many people stuck. My courage in you in not arrogant-it is humble, as you yield to my truth manifesting in you, regardless of the thoughts of the onlookers. The naysayers will have their say but will not sway you. Be diligent to align your time, your heart, your talents with Mine and I will decree a mighty return and the shift you’ve been crying out for. Continue to reign with ME- over the challenges and over the heartache. I will succeed in you to have MY will accomplished and you will be well cared for- in spite of what the enemy has been telling you. For you are MY lamb and I am YOUR shepherd.
Ever wondered why there's an argument going on in your head? Do you stop and wonder about how healthy your soul is or wonder if you have a broken sprit?
Proverbs 15:13 says our spirit can be broken. Sometimes this looks like fractured parts through trauma, sometimes it come across wounds in various parts of the spirit that God designed. Everyone was designed by God to have a body soul and spirit. Most people acknowledge that souls can be fractured through trauma, but we've just barely begun to dig into what happens in the human spirit. One of the most profound ways I see God moving in healing ministry and in preparing individuals to move forward is in bringing healing and alignment to the redemptive gift portions of a person's spirit. If you've done any study on Redemptive Gifts you will be familiar with the motivational gifts of prophet, teacher, exhorter, servant mercy, giver, ruler. What you may not have delved into is the fact that every person has some measure of each or these gifts as part of their spirit's makeup. Although we all have dominant traits from a particular gift or two when I lookin the spirit I often see a fractured part of one of these or a wounded portion of one of these that is keeping the other gifts from operating at full capacity. Sometimes there is severe disagreement because of woundings which direction in life to go, who to trust, when to proceed, how to move forward. Take for example an exhausted servant gifting, notorious for loving to help, but easily taken advantage of by others, arguing with the ruler portion of your spirit and trying to keep you from building anything new, or a prophetic portion of your spirit that loves justice- being too wounded by the abuse it suffered without seeing justice, to step out and allow the mercy portion to operate.. This is just a simplistic and preliminary view of how inner healing can partner with life coaching to sort out what is keeping people stuck. They need to heal and become whole and united. I've had spouses tell me " I don't know what you did but there has been an incredible difference since you ministered to my spouse" Do you know what I did.... I ministered prophetically piece by piece to every redemptive gift portion of the person's spirit and gave validation to the parts that were being stomped on by other parts that were controlled by fear.. We repositioned what was operating and brought it to light. Deliverance was only a small part of this.. I bless you to learn to discern wounds in redemptive gift portions of a person's spirit. I bless you to know what Holy Spirit wants to say to each wounded part, and to bring Rhema word healing to the parts that are crushed! God bless you to SEE.. and Heal in powerful ways! |
January 2025