Let the light of My glory radiate around you as you learn to focus not on the distractions, the irritations and the defeats, but on the radiance of My presence and glory… There are many things I ask of you but do not skip this ONE- Sit at my feet and meditate on My glory. I want you to be glorious .. I want to make your face shine like the sun- the way Mine always does… Sometimes you are pulled so quickly out of this place of encounter in My glory to petty irritations and annoyances. I want you to be so overcome by My presence that they no longer have effect. I want to be your primary source of meditation, of what makes your thoughts go around... I want to be the center of your thinking…. I want to motivate heaps and mountains of creativity in you and then resource you to make it all happen. In fact, I will give you more than you can possibly do…. Not because I want to keep you busy but because My creativity and revelation mindset are endless.
It won’t look like you think. The way you get to where you’re going, will look different than how you imagined it, but I will kick start and jump start you into new ways of doing things, I will enable you to bring life into your dreams and mission. I will bring the spring back in your step and the spring blossoms back into your mind. Where you’ve seen endless winter and barren cold I will spring forth with Life and bring passion. I’m bringing forth passion for the things that are on My heart. Will you accept it? Will you say YES to it? I’m bringing forth radiant Joy with honor and grace. I’m bringing forth transparency… I’m bringing forth fruitfulness and the beginning of fruitfulness and you will see the oil, the sap, the anointing dripping down…of those around you and to continue to drip off the places in your life that I have touched with My glory. Be radiantly joyful beloved. We’ve much to celebrate. We have overcome and the winter night is passed. Don’t anticipate harm… anticipate with JOY- Great JOY what I’m doing in and over you! Repair the breaches… the places where division, anxiety or despair have crept in instead of faith, hope and love…. Repair the breaches and you will see such a mighty outpouring of My spirit says the Lord that all hell will tremble….. You will see Me move….
T So often what he shares to me in secret is meant for others. This one is no different, but I leave my name there to say, He is calling me deeper in t o trust and humility as well. There's so much room to grow in love, but His grace is sufficient and all consuming.
Crystal, I want you to walk soberly not as one who always gets it right but as one who can humbly realign whenever necessary with ease. When pride becomes completely diminished the redirection will be easier and easier because you will spurn the shame and simply turn in adoration towards My face, towards My presence. You must learn to turn easily at the sound of My voice, every time. Don’t wait until you hear Me calling the second or third time. Turn at My faintest whisper. Learn to turn your thoughts quickly towards My presence and power and let Me saturate you with wisdom to perceive everything anew in the morning light. Everything will look so much more beautiful in the light of My presence, like fresh dew on the morning grass as the sun makes it glisten like diamonds…. Don’t fret. You must lay down your worry on the altar of sacrifice and completely rest in My plans for You. I have already won every battle, even in the places you haven’t yet perceived My victory, You Must rest in My all consuming power to accomplish whatever I want. The enemy has been very loud right now to distract you from the coming kingdom army marching forth in beauty and splendor in the morning light. Look to what I’m doing. Come and walk in adoration in the spirit realm. Stop looking in the natural with veiled eyes and look into My glory realm with wonder at what I’m unveiling in the earth. Get into the new realm of seeing with clarity, with vision, with understanding. See with every fiber of your being into the Heavenly realms. You must see to pull it fully into the natural. Come see. I will give you the tour. There ’s so much to look at now. There is so much happening in our camp. The angels are readying themselves; the battle is going as planned. Nothing has taken Me by surprise. I have already prewritten the books and I will answer every question with Myself. I am knowing what I’m doing. I can see way past your current understanding of reality. I have not lost any battles. I am not that weak. I am fully in control of your destiny and your heart. I can sway you like waters as you yield to My all consuming love. And I will love you and continue to blow you away with My glory goodness and My flames of fire overcoming you in the secret place and exploding into the natural to burn away all the chaff and all the enemy fire. I am holding you up. Nothing you do is held in your own strength, so let go. I am loving you as deeply as ever. Just be held. |
January 2025