Be the incredibly hungry one! My passion is that you would glorify Me as you seek first the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 6:33 Seek first My righteousness. "Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap unfailing love, break up the unplowed ground for yourselves until He comes and showers deliverance on you. Hos. 10:12
Where are those who are seeking first My Kingdom? I am looking throughout the whole earth to see who is steadfast towards Me? 2 Chr. 16:9 I am looking for the expansion of the Kingdom of God in their hearts.Luke 17:21. I am calling forth My beloved ones to arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is upon you. Is 60:1 . It's time to arise like never before into the design and destiny I have called you forth for. Its time to bless like never before in the midst of cursing. Its time to love until the glory shines radiant upon your faces with the likeness of the KING. It's time for righteousness to arise. Righteousness and love are never at war. They are at peace. They work intrinsically together because they are both deeply embedded and flowing throughout who I AM. I am both righteous and loving and I've made a way for them to never have to quarrel or be at war. I am the unity of the two. Come and abide and you will see the fullness of My love walk in complete righteousness. The labels may come- because the accuser of the brethren is still active, but in truth, you are growing in love even as you act and speak in truth...And by the way I am always converting people. It may make others angry, but I am always transforming people into righteousness, into hope, into My identity, into their truest form as they were created to be. I AM not against conversion therapy. As always I hate manipulation coercion and defilement of any type. There has been a gross manipulation of culture- starting with the schools. I hate the twisting of My plans and purposes for My people. I hate the defilement of the innocent. Those who put a stumbling block in the way of any of these little ones, it would be better... Luke 17:2. And why would it be better? Because the defilement has been spreading and harming many; many who would have sought the truth and found life. Many who now are floundering and can't find their true identity and now the door is open to suicide, destruction and so much more. I care for My people! I care to see them protected. I made them and fashioned them the way I did because I love them. Because I have a heart for their best good. But in seeking and pursuing the lusts of the flesh they have chosen their own way and I am calling them. I am crying out to them: Come home. Come home to the Father. I will give you a ring and a robe, but you must leave the wallowing in the pigs troughs to live like the son of a King. Luke 15 You must leave the city of destruction and head for the celestial city. You must run to a different King and find Him a much more loving and compassionate Lord than the one you have served in your bondage to lust. There is so much more! There is life- true life worth living waiting for you; purpose, identity and JOY, like you've never known, in the presence of the King.
January 2025