Child, I want you to know I've got your back. I'm giving you VICTORY as you Delight yourself in ME. I designed My delight to fill you; body, soul, and spirit. Just as being unoffendable protects you, delighting in the Lord protects you from nihilism and a spirit of death. Delight will feed your soul and lead you into green pastures. Delight will cover you with grace and gratitude. Don't worry what people think of you. Be Joyful in gratitude and see My wonder-working-power bloom anew in you!! Be JOYFUL and PATIENT in tribulation and watch and see what I will do in and through you. Do NOT step into people pleasing. STEP OUT into covenant with your God and see what I will do. I will make all things new. I will exalt you among the nations and I will rejoice to see you emerge. Remember the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Focus on Christ. He will set you free. I the Lord have called you by name. Child you are mine. It is very important you listen to My voice during this season. My voice will keep you and guard you from despair. Step into My perspective and you step into freedom. Step into Joy divine and you will be redefined. Your goal is to please ME, not everyone around you. I'm giving you access to My love and My heart. I will empower you to love deeply. Love conquers fear, trials and sin because I AM love. When you are seated in Love, you are seated in My power, My grace and My sufficiency. You shall not lack, for the Lord is your shepherd. My sovereign hand of majesty rules over all. I will see to it that you are clothed, fed, and cared for, as my word says, when you seek first the KINGDOM. As you seek first My kingdom My glory will abound. There is no competition in my Kingdom, just servants, sons and daughters, pleasing their master. My glory abounds over you with JOY and you will see, feel, and taste My grace. I will make all grace to abound towards you so that you always having all sufficiency for all things may abound for every good work. I said it before and I'll say it again. I AM GOOD! Let all My goodness pass before you. Meditate on My goodness and you will see it manifest around. Dwell in My presence and you will dwell in delight and fullness of JOY. I have many good gifts for you.
January 2025