Running to Your arms, I find such pleasure. Teach my heart to run , every day into the secret place, crying out for the life within You, for my very breath, for my daily existence comes from You. Let not my heart run after vain imaginings or useless fancies, but let me run into the righteousness of Christ, to cry out with all of heaven, " Holy, Holy , Holy" for You alone deserve all the glory. Oh the mystery that I am seated in Christ in the heavenlies. that I am one in Christ. I cannot fathom the grace that brings such transformation, restoration and hope. Restore me to the place where in Your presence there is fullness of joy. Let my heart cry out for more of You. I am undone by the love that paid for such access to the throne of the All Consuming One. El Shaddai under Your wings I run for refuge. Never let me go. Keep me close to Your heart, to hear the heartbeat of My Father, to see the world with Your eyes, to love with Your love. I don't want to live merely from my own reserve. Help Me to love deeply, consciously abiding, like breathing in and breathing out. Your love flowing through me like the very breathe You give me moment by moment.
January 2025