Let all the wanderings of your heart come to rest in who I say you are.... All the questionings, all the restlessness can be put to rest when you fully find the place of love in My heart. You were made for intimacy. You were made for divine protection. All you long for, all you really desire is found here in My presence. Pursue Me and let the waves of My presence wash over you and carry the debris of questions and restlessness into the depths of the ocean of My love. I am covering you. I am calling you deeper to where you are so undone in My presence, so caught up into My glory realm that stress and panic are far away and there is nothing left but blissful anticipation. Walk deeper into My heart: fully enter into worship and you will see the solutions you longed for coming about or the problems simply dissolving. The atmosphere of My glory love releases solutions. I am love. I am calling you higher. Carve out the place of easy access by learning how to cultivate My presence in private worship. when no one is looking, and when they are... be there with Me. Let me have full access to your heart. Let Me into the broken places. Bring them to Me and worship Me there. Watch and see the transformation I will do in you even as I resurrect the hurts into healings: the drought into rivers of pleasure... the tears into joy. I will be your wellspring. I will be your delight, and nothing will move you from joy as you abide My lavish heart of love and delight over you.... Stay here and hear Me transform your world. One intimate phrase or instruction at a time. Fully submit to Me and you will be such a lavish well of water for others to drink from. You will be surrounded by My glory love and even in the undoing, be glorious set free.
Where have you been lately? It seems like such a long time since we met? The rush of days, the endless list of things to do and the incessant list of expectations others have of you. it pulls you into business when I am gently calling , come into My presence. Don't rush or create a to do list while you're here. Just simply trust and refresh. Trust I am speaking. Trust in Me completely and perfectly. Let the rush of waters come and sweep you away from the busyness into the depths of My heart. Become beautifully free to explore and appreciate My heart. There is no rush, no pressure, just the comfortable common place of an accepting relationship. Rest, pull a chair up close and enjoy the close fellowship we share. There's no need to prove yourself or strive to be more. All that I have placed inside of you WILL grow and emerge as you spend time here with Me in the quiet place of intimacy.... Come...
Forget about the warfare, the things you are discerning around you that are not from Me.. Just focus on resting... On becoming, closer and more like ME: full of rest, peace and joy....... This is learning to drink from MY fountains....This is learning to become saturated with My goodness and My presence. Take off the cloak of busyness and lay it aside. Rest your head on My chest and breathe. Breathe deeply beloved until our heartbeats synchronize and you know the peace I am. You must know and carry My peace, until the beauty of what you see here emerges through you like the sweetest essence of perfume and saturates every room you enter. Be anointed with My Presence and you will be so fruitful, without even striving... Just resting in Me is powerful and you will see how powerful it is. I can do all things through you as you abide. Your grace will carry you through many things. Never let the enemy convince you that I am far away. I am always near: right here, a very present help in time of trouble. Just listen and rest, rest and listen and I will bless you. Unbelief has to leave as you choose to encounter the love in My heart. I am beautifully taken with you My love.... I want you to understand how delighted I am in you.. I am not some irritated Father. I am full. I am not needing anything to complete me or satisfy Me. This enables me to completely love without coercing you for my needs to be met. I am unlike any other relationship you have know and you can become more like me. Become so full of Me that others' neediness never causes insecurity, a need to defend or control. Simply be love. I AM. You can become love to those around you and come to Me . I will fill you up. I will take your neediness and turn it into praise. I will take your hopelessness and turn it into joy unspeakable and full of glory. I will be unspeakably merciful to you. It's who I am. I have already paid the price for full mercy covering over you. The blood was already poured out on the mercy seat. you are full- in Me - of Righteousness and Truth. |
July 2024