Where are the warriors, who will march forth into the promised land and take down the giants with ME? Where are the people, who will rise and say no more to the oppression of My people and stand up like Gideon against the enemy? I am the one who makes the armies flee, I am the one who takes down the giants in the land, but who will arise as a vessel for Me to pour through? Who will stand in the evil day and stand in FAITH? I am raising up an army who says " I WILL". I am raising up an army whos says, no matter what, "Yes!" I am raising up the warriors. In this season you will be blessed- you can choose if you decide to partner with the old inhabitants of Canaan or if you clear the land of intruders and partner with Me. I will test your hearts. I will test your resolve. Will you use your blessings for the kingdom? or will you fall away into the idolatrous lifestyle of those around you- self seeking and being at rest when I say go to war. I have angels at the ready for My takeover, My armies are waiting to invade with you, to spoil the enemy of all he has accumulated through killing, stealing and destroying. I am willing- Will you come into My warroom and prepare. Will you bow the knee in secret and cry out for My kingdom come? Will you cry out for lost souls or sit in your affluence without a care in the world. Will you take on MY passions and cry until the eruption of glory comes that I have promised to My praying people. Will you carry My heart when it is costly??? Will you be my witness? Will you carry the burdens of my heart with groaning in the secret place until all that I desire is brought forth into the natural.. I call you to be a company of burning ones.. Crying out like John in the wilderness " prepare you, the way of the Lord. Make His paths straight." And I will heal the land. I will heal the land from all it's mourning.. Alberta you royal nation within a nation I will heal your land and I will dissolve all your fractures, as you listen to ME. Heed ME. For the healing of the heart must come first and then the hand can be put to the plow, and the springs will burst forth in the dessert. Bring Me the dissonance of your heart. I will tune the fractals of time. Bring Me the resonance you long to resound and I will transform the people group into a mighty nation within a nation... Your voice is being heard.. You will hammer and it will come forth in time as I shape you with My potter's hand. Not your will but Mine be done Alberta. I will transform you even as you are merged into another man, another sound, another voice, another focus. The man Jesus Christ is emerging , even as you bow to Me in the pressure of the fire ( Daniel 3). I will emerge in the fire with you and you will not be burned, and the king will listen, even as I emerge.
I don’t really care what you think you can’t do—if you step into Me I can accelerate you to do the things you couldn’t and try the things you wouldn’t. It’s time to step into My no limitations mindset. It’s time to move up new mountains and trust Me to help you catch your breath. The view will be awesome and amazing. Yes there will be unexpected adventures along the way, but I’ll be there for it all and we’ll be together. You know sometimes it’s like you’ve built a cozy nest for yourself- a place where you have moved into your comfort zone, and you like it- but I am CALLING YOU TO THROW OFF THE COVERS and step out into My glorious adventure, where you face the unknown ( with Me ) and trust Me to be your everything. I am putting you outside of what you think you’re capable of and helping you step into the impossible in new realms. I am calling you to a deeper dependence on My Spirit for everything you do. I am calling you by My Spirit to be completely radically dependant on My leading.. be willing to get uncomfortable and set yourself up to soar and fly. I am leading you to be radically different than you’ve ever been before. I am calling you to be transcribed on My heart and feel the pulse of My every breathe- Be moved by it and not stay still. I am calling you to move with Me. It’s time to become more fluid. I like you very much but I’m taking you to a different place of fluidity where you can step into Me and release what I am releasing at a moments notice because there is a strong connection to My heart.
I’m calling you to burn with passion in the secret place until all you touch outside of it becomes ignited. I am calling you to become My fire... Don’t bother with the things that don’t pull you towards intimacy... it’s not about rules it’s about dynamic power of My spirit flowing through you without distractions to translate to your world the power of My love – through signs, wonders, intimate encounters, letters- prophetic acts, healings and more.. I’m not kidding you it’s time to step in. The enemy has been telling you you’ve lost your touch—that you are growing dim and that you are not effective, but I’m telling you that as you press in- press into My heart this will be the most effective, fervent season of your life yet. You will feel the fire and you will burn. Don’t become complacent. Don’t become powerless by not bothering. It will be worth every minute you spend in My presence. I will ignite you and set you up as a torch on a hill and others will look on and wonder if they want to burn too. If they are willing to pay the cost. But I tell you it will be worth it. The glory that I desire to release is waiting- hanging over Canada waiting for My glory carriers to arise like never before with fervency, with splendor, with Godly kindness and be a voice to the masses and to the one in front of them. Love- like each one is ME. Love like you may never have that chance again. Burn for the lost. I need you to press in in prayer until your heart burns and you pick up the mantle of an evangelist to carry light to the nation. I need My people to arise like never before and stop stuffing their God words in their mouths. It’s time to stop merely being socially acceptable and start living lives acceptable to God. It’s time to let your light be a buzz word. You want to get rid of the war on offence. Start saying what I say and watch as others rise up to follow- to say what’s on My heart and let people deal with their own stuff. It’s time to make offence a dirty word. It should be. I am bringing My demonic hordes of offence to the forefront and I will do battle with them. And I will win. I am King Jesus who already won the battle. These beings I created will bow the knee to Me. I am Jehovah, Messiah and I will not tolerate offence ruling the day or stealing the show. I Am the Bright and Morning star and I will rule and reign- Not offence. My Kingdom Come.. My will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And it’s time to break free! It’s time for My church to break free from the mold that says that they have to please everyone. -Poppycock and hogwash! I am not here to appease the enemy but to contest him. This is MY world and I intend to rule and reign- starting first with My body the church..... Starting first with you! Will you bow the knee to Me, to king Jesus, to My plans and My agendas for your life? This will not be convenient. It will bring destruction to the enemy and it will be costly- but I’ve already paid the cost to bring you safely through to the other side. Come into My war room and prepare to advance with King Jesus! This time I am calling the shots. Sometimes I wait and I tell you to wait, to not let the enemy tempt you to engage in war for his timing, but this is MY TIMING. I am doing a new thing. It will be very disruptive. It will be very demonically disruptive in that I am disturbing every demon because he sees that My sleeping giant the church is arising. And she is glorious! She is fierce and she is powerful in Me. Nothing can stand against the God infused woman that the church is. Nothing can stand against her wielding her sword of truth. Many will fall but we will win. I am raising up those that will lay their lives down. I AM RAISING UP THOSE THAT WILL SEEK ME in Spirit and in Truth. I am raising up those who are tired of the fluff and want solid food and are willing to feed the five thousand as well. I am willing, I am wanting, I am desiring greatly to see My bride work and orchestrate as she never has before for My kingdom come. Never think that somehow I have been sleeping. No I have been waiting, strategizing, preparing My people even through trials that they have experienced to face life head on with Me and move into the gravity of the hour and pulsate with My love, beyond human kindness. I am asking you to pulsate with My love until the vibrations are earth shattering like an earthquake that erupts and makes the news, shifts the airwaves, reinforces who My kingdom people really are. The world has not known you. But they will. I will unveil their eyes, and they will see Jesus. They will see My glorious bride and there will be an awe, like there was in the early days of My church. There will be an awe that the unbelievers have, because it is a fierce and fiery thing to walk with the power of the living God inside of you. It is a glorious and majestic thing, and I am raising up My beautiful bride to walk in all of her fierce and fiery love that overcomes objections, that overcome offense, that overcomes the threats of life and death and knows how to walk in resurrection power – even in North America. There will be a shift, and the body of Christ will know what she can do as she steps into godly dependence on Me. She will know what she can do and she will see glory erupt like a magnitudinous earthquake. Prayer: God, I ask you to break Me open, out of My box of people-pleasing, cautiousness and break open the fiery passionate heart of Your love that speaks the truth in love wherever You lead Me. God break off the heavy weight of people's expectations, of community, of political thinking, of ungodly culture that defines right living as people-pleasing and not offending. Give us mouths that speak truth regardless of the cost- regardless of offending others. Let us agree with YOU! Let us agree with Your truth and not just the mindsets of this world. Let Your truth ring out and Your message be seen in the transformational way You help us to live our lives as a living sacrifice poured out for love... Break us out of the chicken coup and ignite us with a fiery holiness that burns brightly not with religious candor but with fiery zeal of the Lord which cleans out temples and disrupts the systems of the enemy. Give us love that speaks loud. Sacrificial love that radiates beyond the boundaries of mere human kindness. Give us courage to tear open the boxes we’ve been hiding in and dance openly before the King of Kings, in radiant beauty and glorious splendor.. that all the world would see Jesus, High and lifted up. Full of beauty glory and splendor. That we would be a bride fit for you Jesus! |
November 2024