iJust listen to My heartbeat. Listen in and you will feel the anxiety rush away, afraid of My glory fire… Come in contact with the heart of your Savior, your zealous Bridegroom and see He is passionate about your purity!!! He is passionate that you will not be lured by any other, not by witchcraft, by disunity, by disgruntled behaviour amongst you in the churches. He is passionate for a pure bride with
. LOCK YOUR GAZE. FIX YOUR EYES!!! then I heard Him repeat LOCK YOUR GAZE. FIX YOUR EYES!!! LOCK YOUR GAZE. FIX YOUR EYES!!! You must know the eyes of your bridegroom! He is lovely and radiant… He is zealous for His bride. He brings true direction and correction but not as a master to a servant , but as a shepherd to a young lamb, helping it out of the mud and cleaning it up from its struggle. As I was reading this morning about the heart of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians; how he felt that he would possibly burst into tears when he came to visit, because those he loved and shared the gospel with might be found in impurity , sexual immorality and perversion[1] I realized that It is an accurate reflection of the heart of Jesus… Paul said “ I have the daily pressure of my responsibility for all the churches, with deep concern weighing heavily on my heart for their welfare…..I am not aloof, for who is desperate and weak and I do not feel their weakness? Who is led astray into sin and I do not burn with zeal to restore him?”[2] "You need to know that God's passion is burning inside of me for you, because like a loving father, I have pledged your hand in marriage to Christ, your true bridegroom. I have also promised that i would present his fiancée to him as a pure virgin bride...2 Cor. 11:2 TPT In our “mind your own business “culture, It’s become very convenient to ignore sin… and admittedly it isn’t always our role to address it..[3] But have we lost the heart of Christ because the media has made it so common place we don’t notice and grieve when it hits our families, our communities our friends …. I speak to myself too. He said “ what I really want is your hearts not your money…” I will gladly spend all that I have and all that I am for you”[4] He was willing to suffer for the gospel[5], the authentic good news message of salvation through faith in Christ[6]. I want to lift up Jesus Christ the bridegroom, the Faithful Witness, the firstborn from among the dead and the ruling King, who rules over all kings of the Earth![7].. The one who has loosed us from our sins by his own blood, the one who has made us to rule as a kingly priesthood to serve his God and Father[8].. The one who appears in the clouds [9] The Aleph and the Tav, who is who was and who is to come, the Almighty, the One who is like the Son of Man, wearing a full length robe, with a golden sash over his chest, His head and hair ,are white like wool- white as glistening snow, His eyes like flames, His feet are like gleaming bright metal, as if glowing in a fire, and His voice like the roar of many rushing waters ( oh His sweet voice). The One who holds the seven stars, the messengers, the One who walks among the seven golden lampstands[10] Jesus Christ, you are the One, who lays your hand on us and says… “Don’t yield to fear[11]” You, Jesus Christ are the Beginning and the End.. the Living One, You were dead but now you are Alive… forever and ever… You alone hold the keys of death and the unseen world[12]…. No wonder we aren’t to fear!!!… the One who trades peoples rags for white garments[13] With a face like the brightness of the sun... who waits for people to repent. The bright and morning star... the Lamb who sacrificed Himself so that others could experience true intimacy like He had known from the beginning. We were designed for deep fellowship, unity and the transformative power of unity with Christ… to Him be glory and Dominion throughout the eternity of eternities![14] I pray that your souls would be strengthened and healed as you hold fast to your faith.. that you will be flawless and continue on the path of righteousness… ( 2 Cor 13:7) Sending love.. Crystal-Ann Jardine [1] 2 Corinthians 13:21, “If we say we have fellowship with him and yet keep on walking in the darkness, we are lying and not practicing the truth.” 1 John 1:16 [2] 2Corinthians 11:28,29 TPT [3] Paul claimed the authority in Christ to address sin in the churches where he had brought individuals to Salvation, fathered them in the Lord … See 2 Cor 10:14, 11:2-3, 13:1-5 [4]2 Cor. 12:13-15 [5] 2Cor.11:22-28 [6] As an apostle this didn’t make him really popular… It seems the people of the time were more interested in those who could flash their credentials, ask for money and spout their revelations, regardless of which “gospel” which “pseudo-jesus” or which spirit they were operating from[6]. They operated more like satan – transforming themselves as an angel of light. [7] Rev 1:5 [8] Rev 1:6 [9] Rev. 1:7 [10] Rev 1:12,1:20 [11] Rev 1:17 [12] Rev 1:18 [13] Rev. 3:5 [14] Rev 1:6
January 2025