Just Be Still. In the messiness, in the disasters, be still and see what I will do. There will be days when you feel like Moses and the children of Israel, trapped up against the Red Sea but do you not know, I will make a way! I will make a way so be still- Let the fear in your heart subside as you stand in wonder of the splendor and awe of My power. Know who I am and what I have called you to and you will never feel trapped again. I am not calling you to understand everything. I am calling you to trust Me in everything. trust Me in this. Don’t be afraid and I will bring you good things. Have I not called you? Have I not ordained you and set you up as My mouthpiece? I am bringing forth Rain in Abundance, more than enough for your current situation. I am bringing you excellence of spirit and you will come forth shining. You will come forth with brilliance out of the fire, shining forth with purity. It is not a fire that rages to destroy you but to purge away all doubt and unbelief from your heart, your mind, your soul and even your daily expressions. I am bringing My love to the forefront of your daily experience so you will be so saturated, so overwhelmed by My all-consuming presence that fear shakes at your presence because it cannot co-exist with My love. Do you not see this is a purging by fire unlike anything you have ever known? You will be wrecked for days on end as you bask in My wonder. This is not just revival, not just restoration, not even reformation, this is a re-forming of the clay and a refiring that will bring a shattering to every plan of the enemy against you. Don’t be afraid to just get undone in My presence and to cry for days on end, with happy resolute tears of “I must have more.” This is My work in you. Don’t try to fix it or become “ sensible.” Who are you to choose if I undue you or if I let you stand tall when everyone else is falling around you in the glory presence. Who are you to decide? Have I not called you and laid My hand on you for My purposes? Have you not totally surrendered to Me as the potter- to rest under the mighty hand of My power? So do not try to fix what I am making broken in My presence. The weeping is cleansing, and I will make grown men cry and women stand tall. I will cause children to preach and babies to sing. I will do more than these. I will release My miracles by surprise hands and glory waves will sweep through. Do Be Expectant. Do be expecting more than you have seen for a long time. Do expand your vision of Me to include so much more. You’ve been so limited in your vision of Me, but I will empower you to see more…. Let the hot tears fall and burn the apathy off the church. Let My fire consume her until what is left is blazing molten fiery love, able to consume any wave of adversity or panic- Able to consume any wave of disease or heartache. She will be My all consuming force on the earth and all Hell will have to answer to her as I live and move and breathe in her to bring about Justice and Judgement to her foes as she learns to rule and reign with Me…. Do not hesitate to call love forth over My people…to penetrate fear. To penetrate evil. Allow Me to bring forth righteousness. I will make a way for you to see… to breathe, to recompense people on My behalf with the overflow that I give into your hands… Do not be afraid to give, for you will see the tide is rising, the water level is higher and it will not subside. I will pour out over you My springs of refreshing from the fountains of My love.. Do not allow fear and doubt to stop the flow of My love from flowing through you again and again… Release finances, as I call you. Release faith to call forth the mountain shakers. Release life to those things that are dead that I’m resurrecting! Let the flow of My fountains go forth uncapped… Release My worship everywhere. Be a public display of “I’ll become more undignified than this!”
Have My people forgotten how to worship in a public gathering that includes the unsaved? No shame in My glory! No shame in My glory! Let every time you come together be a time for worship… Tell those who do not yet believe, the victories I have won for them. Tell them the victories I have won for you. Do not forget what I have accomplished for you in the past…. It will be a gate of opening for your future to testify of more miracles! “Your splendor, your wonder, Your majesty oh God is higher than the heavens, greater than the earth. You are high and lifted up and your praise fills the temple.” Do not forget that you are the temple. Let My praise and glory wonder fill the place of your dwelling. Let you whole body be filled with My praises. Let your light shine bright before all men… All men. Let your worship be wide- on Every mountain and high Hill proclaim My praises. Do not be shut down. Be resilient. While the enemy is singing the praises of perversion- YOU sing forth the glories of My righteousness. Like David- it is time for the church to fall in love with My judgements, My testimonies, My word… To be so bound with Love for My word and My truth that it is honored revered and praise d as part of who I Am. Have My people forgotten that I am the word? Have My people forgotten that I am the Word made flesh. You must Be too, for I live in you! Love My word and you will live it! Love My truth and you will shine forth with radiance! Above all pursue My heart. It will filter out the religious spirits that like satan himself try to manipulate My word to tempt and destroy My people. Let your daily lives be watered by My truth, My spirit breathing in and on and through the Word I plant within you to bring forth life abundantly. You do not even know yet the resurrection power contained in My word like I want you to… But you WILL. You will know the Authority and POWER of My voice in you to raise the dead. You Will. THIS is my chosen generation to be a light in the midst of gross darkness- to raise up a banner of power and love and a sound mind… What does a sound mind look like you ask? It looks like a contrary spirit to the perversity and injustice that calls itself justice. It is a spirit that is contrary to the forced passitivity that the world calls tolerance. I am calling up MIGHTY voices of Justice, of radical faith in the midst of persecution... and radical results of righteousness spreading forth with more potency than any virus... Wherever you lay your lives down in surrender (at great cost) I will birth the movement of My power righteousness arising. There will be turmoil, but the beauty and splendor of My rising bride will take your breath away! Lay down. Lay it all down before My throne as an act of adoration and worship and see what I will do!
I want to give you fresh thinking… A fresh outlook. I don’t want you stuck in the past revising and rewriting again and again. This is your time to create a NEW with me. Create the new way of thinking, of living, of breathing of trying and dying to self with Me…. It will be life giving. I am giving you life- Zoe life. I have many good things for you and there is nothing too hard for Me. So the places where you have felt entrapped, ensnared or stuck in a rut I am bringing you angels with wings to lift you up, to move you forwards, to give you divine courage to say what you need to say and to bring life to the dead swampy places where things have flowed in but no life is flowing out. I did not create you to be a Dead Sea… I am creating you to be an ever-fresh spring of blessing; an ever-fresh spring of life, that bubbles up from the rock… that Christ. I will simplify for you your way of living. I will simplify for you the life you have and bring you into fountains of Joy and thanksgiving…
It’s time to drink and drink and drink. Get re-hydrated in ME; replenished. I am restoring all that was taken. I want you to learn to be in that place of My fountains, flowing over, around and through you,. Place yourself in the waterfall streams of revelation flowing from My hand in your belly. Drink and drink and drink and drink until you are being cleansed by the washing of the water of My words in and through you again and again…. |
November 2024