God is calling forth HIS media team Be Free to be fully you in the moment. I want the full expression of who you are to emerge. For so long you've kept hidden the thoughts of your heart in so many conversations but I want you to release my prophetic flow through your mouth into so many areas and it can't be held back by fear. Yes, use wisdom, but do not operate in fear. I'm speaking to you all the time! Allow that flow from My life within you to saturate your everyday conversation until you become such a strong river of MY presence flowing out of My mouth. You've been working - working hard at cleaning your mouth, being released from the accuser and the spirit of contention. Trust that I can take you over to speak through you. Be free to flow. Don't hold back. This world is longing, aching for the sound of My voice to resonate in the atmosphere/ heavens of their hearts and open them up to TRUTH: to ME. I ache to bring My children home, but who will Be My messenger. Who will purify their hearts and minds to release MY sound, unfiltered by fear of Man? Who will release the sound of MY voice with clarity and purity that makes the earth shake and the mountains tremble? There are many out there who will speak so others will listen, but who will speak so I can have MY way? Who will speak so that MY sound goes forth with clarity and purity???? I will not have MY words filtered by fear of man or corrupt lifestyles and habits. I call forth Purity. I call forth integrity. I require honesty. Honesty in your humility when you make mistakes and honesty in your beauty of character. I REQUIRE character -honesty in what I have said. No filters. This is not an Instagram post; filtering every detail to look more beautiful. This is MY heart cry. Who will love as I love, speak what I speak, where I tell them to speak it? Who will take the time to listen, to write, and pay the cost for intimacy? I paid the cost, but others must follow Me: Follow My example to lay down their lives in intimacy and do ONLY what they see the Father doing- not what social media gurus tell them. They must express My heart with intelligence and insight -with integrity and purity. I am calling forth MY media team. I am calling forth MY zealots. Who will break through the ranks of corrupted communication for Me and be the voice that I call them to be despite the cost? The time for persecution is now, but who will stand? Those who step into MY heart and release MY glory: They will stand TALL and be noticed for their purity and "unrefined" character. They will be full of integrity and honesty without the ungodly refining of political properness. Like John the Baptist they will speak the truth regardless of offending others and they will call forth a move of righteousness in government that exceeds understanding. Like John the Baptist they will pay a high price and usher in a new kingdom release of Truth, power and glory. Let the Kingdom of God Manifest on the earth! Let My Sons arise. Let My daughters come forth! Let the the purity of reformers with their voices like a clarion call, ring forth!!!
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January 2025