Nov. 22,2019
Let Me have your focus so I can sustain revival awakening I will establish you. I will submit to you My ideas and creative genius but you must take it and apply it. I have so much more to give to you, but you must take it. You must participate.... you must advance to go into the Heavenly realms, to receive what I’m giving you to pour out to earth.. It’s all right here... don’t allow frustration to steal your connection. Be diligent. I’m right here ready to give you all that you need; ready to download all that you need for this current time in history. I’m sending My supply train to you for you exceeding joy will manifest as you see My provision. Yes, long for Me more..... Your time with Me will multiply into lives changed. I have prepared you for this and will give you more insight as you come up higher. Don’t hold back in fear that you are getting it wrong. I can protect what I have started if only you obey Me. The moves of God that went bad before moved out of My alignment because of disobedience to Me, not just deception. I only allow deception where there is intentional disobedience. I will warn you. I will partner with you, but you must come up higher to receive My revelation every day, every minute, every hour. Stay in tune with ME. I’m bringing you the people and you will know who to trust with the task I enlist you to partner with Me in. You are doing well. I feel like you needed to hear that because there is some opposition in the spirit realm. But you are doing well and you will overcome as you stay in worship, stay in My heart. Look for Me. Look for what others are doing well too and tell them. Be unoffendable but wise and shrewd. Be innocent of evil and lift up Holy hands and worship. I want you to increase your worship.. You will avoid so much trouble as you learn to focus on My truth and My presence... I can’t say how important it is for you in this season. It must be the first thing on your agenda and the last thing on your mind as you go to bed. Live and breathe worship.. It doesn’t have to be music but it should acknowledge Me... this will keep you in My ways of thinking and living and protect your mind from the enemies onslaught of lies against other believers, against fear or lack. It will allow you to stand in faith at much greater levels to see My victories come forth and emerge. Do everything by faith.... Do everything with ME. Never walk independently. Trust that I am flowing through you to make decisions but also intentionally listen to My voice. Don’t worry about those around you or how they are walking their journey. You stay close to Me... Let me unwrap you from the past list of acceptance rules and give you My agenda. Know that you are already accepted in the beloved.. You are already fully accepted to be My royal priesthood and My special treasure. There’s nothing you need to do to measure up... its all about relationship... Let go of the to do list and come spend time laughing and singing and rejoicing with Me in My glory... You aren’t going to miss it if you stay close here to My heart... You are practicing rest and learning also new levels of self discipline, and I say well done but pursue ME first and the rest will fall into place for sustainable revival... Stay healthy, watch what you eat so you have optimal strength and energy with the time I give you. Don’t eat foods that wear you out or pull you down out of My quick-thinking ability. Stay supple in My hands so I can use you at a moments notice ... to reach out and release a miracle. Say YES, in every location and every situation. I will give you boldness if you ask for it and I will release great fruit through your obedience.... Also, there is no one right way of doing things... I can open My realms through a traditional speaker, and I can open up Heaven through unusual and strange ways... let Me work my plans through others the way I see fit. It is not the time to judge with the seeing of the eyes. It is time to bring distinction between good and evil right and wrong through the Spirit.. YOU run after My presence and let Me bring together the pieces. You won’t always understand what you see or what I allow and it’s not all yours to figure out but I will direct your steps to align with My purposes ..Feel free to flow with your own conscience for any more than this is evil, and let them flow with theirs. I am ready to convict of sin and you won’t need to do anything to see extraordinary change of hearts, attitudes and minds... You focus on what I call you to focus on.. Seek Me and pursue My heart and you will see differently in time. I am changing things up. I am changing things up. Don’t be afraid for I am in it and you are holding on to Me. You won’t be left behind.... Shift , Shift, shift into My thinking. Move into all that I am teaching you... You will worship side by side with unlikely converts and I will be magnified. It will look different and you will get over it. You will get over it..... just focus on ME not your differences. This will allow them to focus on Me too and I will transform them into my likeness-( not yours)- My creative identity for them.... Your job is not to fix anything except fixing your gaze on ME. It will be so much easier that way. Fall in love again and again with Me and watch Me transform the world around you. Love how I tell you to love and let Me take care of your triggers... This is a season to love deeply. This is a season to love regardless of appearance . Many will not understand – even you will not understand except you will know that I am moving and I can be trusted.... that is all you need to know for now.... I can be trusted.. Walk in absolute obedience to My ways.... Unity in the Midst of Diversity from Romans 14 TPT Offer an open hand of fellowship to welcome every true believer, even though their faith may be weak and immature. And refuse to engage in debates with them concerning nothing more than opinions. 2 For example, one believer has no problem with eating all kinds of food, but another with weaker faith will eat only vegetables.[a] 3 The one who eats freely shouldn’t judge and look down on the one who eats only vegetables. And the vegetarian must not judge and look down on the one who eats everything. Remember, God has welcomed him and taken him as his partner. 4 Who do you think you are to sit in judgment of someone else’s household servant?[b] His own master is the one to evaluate whether he succeeds or fails. And God’s servants will succeed, for God’s power[c] supports them and enables them to stand. 5 In the same way, one person regards a certain day as more sacred than another, and another person regards them all alike. There is nothing wrong with having different personal convictions about such matters.[d] 6 For the person who observes one day as especially sacred does it to honor the Lord. And the same is true regarding what a person eats. The one who eats everything eats to honor the Lord, because he gives thanks to God, and the one who has a special diet does it to honor the Lord, and he also gives thanks to God. 7 No one lives to himself and no one dies to himself. 8 While we live, we must live for our Master, and in death we must bring honor to him. So dead or alive we belong to our Master.[e] 9 For this very reason the Anointed One died and was brought back to life again, so that he would become the Lord God[f] over both the dead and the living.[g] 10 Why would you judge your brothers or sisters because of their diet, despising them for what they eat or don’t eat? For we each will have our turn to stand before God’s judgment seat.[h] 11 Just as it is written: “As surely as I am the Living God, I tell you: ‘Every knee will bow before me and every tongue will confess the truth[i] and glorify me!’ ”[j] 12 Therefore, each one must answer for himself and give a personal account of his own life before God 13 So stop being critical and condemning of other believers, but instead determine to never deliberately cause a brother or sister to stumble[k] and fall because of your actions. Let love rule your conduct so that you don’t wound others by your actions or your attitudes “17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of rules....... but is in the realm of the Holy Spirit,[m] filled with righteousness,[n] peace, and joy. 18 Serving the Anointed One by walking in these kingdom realities pleases God[o] and earns the respect of others. 19 So then, make it your top priority to live a life of peace with harmony in your relationships,[p] eagerly seeking to strengthen and encourage one another. 20 Stop ruining the work of God by insisting on your own opinions.... You can consume anything you want,[q] but it is wrong for you to deliberately cause someone to be offended over what you allow or consume. 21 Consider it an act of love[r] to refrain from doing anything that would cause a fellow believer to be offended or tempted to be weakened in his faith.[s] 22 Keep the convictions you have about these matters between yourself and God, and don’t impose them upon others. You’ll be happy when you don’t judge yourself in doing what your conscience approves. 23 But the one who has misgivings feels miserable if he compromises his personal conviction because he doubts and doesn’t move in faith. For anything we do that doesn’t spring from faith is, by definition, sinful. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness... His glory and to love and you will do well. Leave behind all witchcraft and idolatry and seek to elevate Christ alone, while honoring those He has chosen to guide the flock... Honor must go above judgement.. Honor must precede and create a flow for My spirit to move in and convict. I will draw the lines and bring a settling... I will give you the right words to say as you stay in my flow and approve the good in others I call you to call out and affirm. This way the growth towards all that is good will be exponential.. and people will release their hindrances to Me as they see what I call good. Run after Me and declare what I see. Rest and know I’ve got this... Release the need to control MY Move.... I know what I’m doing. I know what I want to bring out into the earth. I will unearth things that make you think, and question and I will bring forth unity in diversity... I will take your need to understand before you accept and flip it into a need to love regardless... because I love and I call you to rescue them out of darkness, not with judgment but with mercy. Mercy Must triumph, and I will, I will, take care of the cleansing. This is MY move and I will be the glory in her midst. I know what I’m doing ... You will see only as you trust. Trust first and let Me take care of the rest. I will, I will bring the cleansing that I desire into the earth.. Do you not think that I want Holiness even more than you.. but unlike you I see all the thoughts and intents of every heart--- I see every critical spirit, every spirit of pride and religion operating and I desire to cleanse My church of these.. These grieve My heart because My people have become blind to them... but no more. I will reveal the hardheartedness of My people by the gracious mercy of those I am calling out... I will reveal the mercy of My heart and My true nature will be seen. That Is what I desire.. Mercy not sacrifice... I desire Mercy.... And I will shift everything into My perfect understanding in time.. Allow people the journey of wrestling and turning to Me... Allow people the journey of growth that I have so graciously allowed to you without rebuke and scolding. I will lovingly correct My people as I see fit... I will affirm the things that have been shut down and open the springs that have been stopped up. Watch your tongue. Don’t be quick to let words fly... simply rest in what I am accomplishing beyond what you can see. Be still and wait to see what I am doing. . I do not need you to transform My people... transform your own heart from self righteousness to simply walking in humility.. Do to compare. There is no room for comparison here. I am raising up great heroes out of dark places and you will begin to see the transformation and fruit that will last for generations. I’m not doing things the way you would do things... I am releasing My people from all oppression including the oppression of public opinion... I will not have them held back by people pleasing.. you do not know what I am requiring of them so you cannot judge. Yes, discern and pray... Clear the atmosphere by your authority but don’t make assumptions only walk in My true knowledge.... Affirm, affirm affirm the good you see in others. They will know which way to go as I affirm them through you... Affirm My love for YOU. You need to know I fully approve of you as My son, Jesus, lives with all of His perfection in you. Rest and see that I am good. Release your need to control My Move. .I am in control have no fear... Don’t be tempted to release your Godly authority by bowing to powerful opinions that contradict what I am saying to you in secret. You’ve learned My voice- don’t let confusion reign or cause you to second guess what I’ve said. I will not have confusion reigning in My household. Press in to hear my heart again and again throughout the day. Enter through Rest and I will speak into that place of faith.... Striving to enter My presence through worry ,anxiety or fear can bring distortion.... I will release the faith to enter My presence with thanksgiving that wipes away the enemy’s fingerprints. As you trust that I will speak to you, it will be easier and easier to hear with clarity. Lend Me your ear. Glue it to My chest in this season and you will have great discernment wisdom to walk through triumphantly..... Let the secret place be your refuge. LET MY OPINION COUNT. Let My words carry more sway.. This must be built through trust. You must learn to trust My voice to you, for there will be many voices and opinions... MINE must trump all others... Learn to clear your atmosphere through fully abandoned ,sold-out worship... Focus on ME. Focus on Me, and the ways of others will not hook you into distraction. Delight in what I’m doing. I love you, Jehovah, Papa God.
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Remember I am the Lord of Sabaoth. The Lord of Heavenly armies.... I am ready able and waiting to assist and to aid you as you walk in My kingdom assignments... I have backups, reinforcements and supply trains you know nothing of.... I have made a covenant with you like Jonathan did with David. I love you more than My own life... I have given you My robe of righteousness, My sword of My Spirit and My bow- the same word( 1 Sam 15:4) in Hebrew as My rainbow....... and My belt of truth.... I am always revealing to you My heart, My world My realm. I bring JOY that satisfies, I bring peace that will hold you through the night. I am life. I am fruitfulness. I am bringing you friendship, connection and life. I am rewiring you to connect to the things that matter, that bring nourishment. I am here and I am listening to your heart to your concerns, but one thing matters that you learn how to be prepared to carry My glory in ever greater levels and capacity so I can do what I long to do in your heart and life. I long to increase in you and bring you great delight as you minister and as you serve... I long to bring you strength. I long to change your focus from striving to abiding in Joy. Abiding in Joy, Abiding in Joy, My supernatural reality of life. Let playfulness come forth, let joy return. There are so many realms of Life I want to bring joy to through you. There are so many areas I want to bring freedom.. freedom in the mind, Freedom in the Mind and My angels are here to bring laughter. Don’t resist laughter. Submit to the healing it brings. Laugh at your enemies, Laugh at the ways the enemy sought to bring you down and hasn’t succeeded. Laugh at the growth I am propelling you into.... it will be delightful... Laugh until you see my heart laughing to. I am always full of joy and all the fruit of the spirit. I am never anxious. And you should not be either beloved... You are made for so much more than anxiety. Let Me dispel the myths that have been attacking your mind.... Focus on Me Who am I ? Ancient of Days Jehovah Rapha -My healer Jehovah Jireh My good shepherd who leads me by the streams of quiet waters Jehovah Shalom "You are a shield that protects me, my glory and the one who lifts up my head, You lifted me out of the watery pit, out of the slimy mud. You placed my feet on a rock and gave me secure footing. "I am the bread of life.. Taste and see that I am good. Allow My life to saturate you and nourish you. Love yourself enough to stop and taste and see. I want to nourish you with my life. Feed on Me. Feed on My thoughts. Feed on My ways. Let Me satisfy you with the streams of pleasure that flow from the throne room of God. " Then suddenly, after I wrote down these messages, I saw a heavenly portal open before me, and the same trumpet-voice I heard speaking with me at the beginning broke the silence and said, “Ascend into this realm! I want to reveal to you what must happen after this.” Instantly I was taken into the spirit realm, and behold—I saw a heavenly throne set in place and someone seated upon it.His appearance was sparkling like crystal and glowing like a carnelian gemstone. Surrounding the throne was a circle of green light,like an emerald rainbow.Encircling the great throne were twenty-four thrones with elders in glistening white garments seated upon them, each wearing a golden crown of victory. And pulsing from the throne were blinding flashes of lightning,crashes of thunder, and voices.And burning before the throne are seven blazing torches, which represent the seven Spirits of God. And in front of the throne there was pavement like a crystal sea of glass. Around the throne and on each side stood four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind. The first living creature resembled a lion, the second an ox, the third had a human face, and the fourth was like an eagle in flight. Each of the four living creatures had six wings, full of eyes all around and under their wings. They worshiped without ceasing, day and night, singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty! The Was, the Is, and the Coming!” And whenever the living creatures gave glory, honor, and thanks to the One who is enthroned and who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fell face-down before the one seated on the throne and they worshiped the one who lives forever and ever. And they surrendered their crowns before the throne, singing: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory, honor, and power, for you created all things, and by your plan they were created and exist.” Rev 4 TPT Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, flowing with water clear as crystal, continuously pouring out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. They do not thirst as He leads them through dry regions; he makes water flow out of a rock for them; he splits open a rock and water flows out.’( Isaiah 48:21) And He is the rock... Split open for our refreshing....Jesus......... Jesus said ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? For behold, the stone which I have set before Joshua; on that one stone are seven eyes (symbolizing infinite intelligence, omniscience). They are the eyes of the Lord which roam throughout the earth.” AMPC The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on those who are evil and those who are good. The eyes of the Lord keep guard over knowledge and the one who has it, But He overthrows the words of the treacherous. the Spirit of Yahweh rests on Him the Spirit of Extraordinary Wisdom, the Spirit of Perfect Understanding the Spirit of Wise Strategy,[g] the Spirit of Mighty Power,[h] the Spirit of Revelation,[i] and the Spirit of the Fear of Yahweh. 3 He will find his delight[j] in living by the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. He will neither judge by appearances[k] nor make his decisions based on rumors.[l] 4 With righteousness he will uphold justice[m] for the poor and defend the lowly of the earth. His words will be like a scepter of power that conquers the world,[n] and with his breath[o] he will slay the lawless one.[p] 5 Righteousness will be his warrior’s sash and faithfulness his belt.[q] 9 The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him. For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward him. The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. " Let Me show myself to be strong on your behalf. Let me be your mighty warrior who takes out your deadly foe. Trust in me with all your heart... lean not on your own understanding but come into my presence with singing, with worship and let me war for you. I am a mighty warrior. Strong in Battle and I have already lead captivity captive. Simply come and worship, come and adore, come and drink and let me give you drink out of the ROCK which never runs dry.... Out of the rivers coming from My throne where the trees of life grow and release their fruit of healing..... Come to me for healing, here in My presence there is no curse, I have broken every curse, there is no limitation, for I have broken through the dividing wall and conquered death itself. Nothing can hold you back here in My presence. Let me release through you streams of living water to wash away the filth and the grime from the earthly realm and sit and drink and drink and drink. Let the wine of My presence wash over you washing the weariness and the tiredness away. Come and exult with Me in My triumph victories. Walk continuously in My victory triumph and you will see the enemy bow the knee when you walk in the room because you walk in ME. Come and bow in My presence and let Me wash over you with joy, with ecstatic presence of My glory goodness. Let me undue you here in My presence and My glory. Bow low and let Me subdue your enemies on every level. Let Me be your glory and the lifter up of your head. Let Me be your” ready steady go....” I will celebrate you into the high places of My heart where you will go out with Joy and be led forth in peace, peace that passes understanding.. you will walk in it because you are free- free from all the burdens and responsibilities that you do not need to carry. Let Me carry you... Like a lamb close to My heart, through the storms of life... And you will not be blown away because you are held here next to My heart, safe and warm and covered in My Love. Let me sing My delights over you. Come and dance here in My arms.. Come and dream higher than you’ve ever dreamed and I will show you My victory crown, won at great cost- to bring you higher, sons and daughters of God. Come up Come up, Come up, Come see the beauty , the splendor I have prepared for you, just a taste and you will see it will be worth it all. Come and follow Me. Do not let the distraction of this world, what is merely tangible but not eternal rule your hearts.... Let My love for you and your ‘Yes to Me rule in the place and seat of government I have put inside of each one of you” keep me on the throne of your hearts.. Let me rule with justice and mercy from your lips.. Let Me rule and reign I the hear and now and I have given you strength to reign with Me for eternity....... Let My glory come upon you Let My glory rest upon you Let My spirit rest upon you- abide, dwell remain in Me. For we will bear great fruit together.... And I have given you all things all things tat pertain to life and godliness so abide in my rest.. I will see to it... lean not on your own understanding and I will give the words to say; the swords from My mouth that slay the dragon and feed him to the people. I will give you the words of My mouth to speak, only abide, abide in My presence, no more worry- No more anxiety beloved, no more fear.. Let my perfect love overwhelm you and you will see manifested My strong arm of righteousness released to fight your every opposition as you yield in trust, in My timing.....My Logos, My word ,My fascination. I am undoing all your fear worry and anxiety and I am feeding you faithfully as My flock beside still waters. I will do it. I will do It. I will provide. I will rest you in My arms.... Beloved, havn’t I always cared for you? You will see My manifest love as you rest in me Fully..... Rest in My abiding presence... My eyes see it all. I know all things and how it will be. Look into My eyes and know that I know all things and how to carry out My plans. Look into My eyes and know that I see everything, every motive, every plan, every enemy scheme... I am never taken by surprise. From My heart- My wisdom springs for the plans of abundant grace mercy creativity and truth. Look to the fountain of My presence for all tat you need to satisfy your soul. . I have all wisdom, all knowledge, all wealth .I am your source. I am your Lifespring. I am Jesus the mighty conquering King and I have conquered the grave. Cannot I conquer this little thing for you.. Come higher. ..See with My perspective beloved. Come and dream higher. Let Me wash away the stubborn pride of doing it your own way. Let the rebellion go.. repent and turn to my provision- My promise... I’m looking for those who will trust in My ways so I can overwhelm them with blessings. It will not be ordinary, but I will create new procedures and new protocols and new highways for My glory revelation to flow on an you will be undone as you walk in MY brilliance for I am a brilliant thinker. I have a brilliant Mind and I want to share it with you.... |
November 2024