I had a dream. We were with a number of people of the edge of what was either a sea or a flat plain...The people around I believe represented the church we were not in a building and the only structure in sight was like a high class patio/ gazebo of high quality.. It had a fireplace and a fire pit built into it.. Like something you would see at a wealthy person’s house, but it was out in the open. As I pondered this later I realized that the church had left her former buildings and structures.. As we stood on the edge of this plain I saw fire amidst the grass. It was ethereal and had a -there/not there- presence like in a vison.. I ran up the hill to the pergola structure to see if the fires had gotten out of their assigned places, but no there in the fireplace and firepit was a neatly placed fire... But as only you can see in a vision.. The fire I had first seen, the more spiritual translucent fire was everywhere... on the structure, in the grass and filling the sky.. The clouds which has a sunset look were flames of fire, each cloud a flame. This was the fire of God which burns like at the burning bush- burning but not consuming the tree.. I looked back over the plain and saw a horse.. It was the colors of jewels, wine red, sapphire and emerald.. It was way ahead of us over the plain.. When I looked back up to the blazing sky behind me I could see this stunning and mysterious general stallion led a whole troop, a huge battalion of spiritual heavenly warrior horses charging, running and released from heaven for the purposes of God....charging towards us .. released from the Heavenly realms. The fire and the horses were clearly good and Holy, not destructive to us ..My spirit was so excited. (I attempted to recreate as best as you can with earthly tools, and new skills something similar to what I saw... )It was majestic and awesome.. Horses represent power, ability. According to Streams Ministries, the number of horses can represent the amount of power ( like in an engine).
They represent a move of God that is God initiated.. it was very clear to me there was a distinction between the "church made fires" and the out of the fireplace, out of our control Spirit fire that had been released from Heaven.. The fire, was "in order " but had also burst beyond it's seems. It didn't come from us. It came from Heaven. Fire equals the presence of God.. and encounters like at the burning bush that lead to freedom and instruction. When I awoke I shared the dream with my daughter who although young, has the office of a prophet.. She told me.." I've met that horse.. he's made up of jewels right? His name is Victory... " I was reminded that I'd heard of an angel named Victory a few days prior and had asked the Lord in a deliverance session to bring Victory and his angels to come and assist us.. I didn't know that a few days later I'd see them show up so dramatically in my dream.. I looked up horses in scripture. The very first scripture I came across was Prov. 21:31 " A horse is prepared for the day of battle but Victory is from the Lord." Victory in Strong's Concordance means victory, deliverance, salvations, health, rescue, success, save, and intervention... It comes from a root that means causing to be free. I believe God is releasing new levels of Victory over the church.. It will not be from our efforts but as a response to the Lord as we call out for His help. It is available through Jesus Christ.. I believe the troops have been released. During this season remember the scripture.. "Fear Not for I am with you.. Do not be afraid for I am your God." Is 41:10
Open up, open up, open up your hearts! What if Rev 3:20 is really written to us, a media driven church who has trouble hearing and seeing because we are so focused on the stuff on the tv, internet, and social media and we cannot hear the Savior at the door of our hearts crying out?
Like the woman in Song of Solomon, we are asleep, our mind is dreaming, and we do not hear, rise to the knock on the door, when we are beckoned to come into intimacy… so instead we run out into the streets searching and are ravaged by the religious “watchmen” who are misusing their post. Oh that our hearts would turn, awake and alert, to the smallest call of intimacy... Oh that we would be ready and cry out Lord .. open my mind so that I can understand scriptures like you did for the men on the road to Emmaus. Luke 24:13-34 that our hearts would burn within us. That our understanding would be opened Lord for you have the key to open all these things Is. 22:22…to stir us up to burn again… Lord You said to knock and the door would be opened... Matt 7:7 so we ask humbly that in this season you would open up the places inside of us to burn again with passion…that you would come in to the door of our hearts and share a meal with us.. We are hungry for your company and long to eat and drink all that you have prepared for this season and to put before You our best so that You also will enjoy our fellowship. Like the blind men we cry out have mercy on us Lord, that our eyes may be opened.. Matt 20:29-34 Lord open our eyes... to see all the things of the Spirit you want us to see. We know there is so much more, but we are blind apart from Your revelation and Your presence…. We need to come humbly, and ask, and You begin to take off the religious scales[1] from our eyes like You did for Saul.Acts 9:18. That our eyes would open, and the religious scales would fall from our eyes and we would be filled with the Holy Spirit... Not just a taste of the Holy Spirit but filled… to the top of our capacity… And while we are asking, God we ask You would expand our capacity to carry Your Presence. We ask you would expand our thirst and our hunger and our capacity to be filled up with all that You are… Filled for Your purposes…. Filled with Your measure…. God also would You forgive us, for where we have feasted at the table of other Gods like yoga, and like the adulterous woman have wiped our mouths and said “we have done no wrong” Prov. 30:20, when really we have partnered with Jezebel and taught your people to eat food sacrificed to idols Rev 2:20 and not repented of our vile immorality all the while allowing her to prophesy.. God forgive us … [1] Theses scales remind me of the scales of leviathan that protect him.. If we partner with spiritual pride we can’t see and we become blind to the realm of the Holy Spirt even while being religiously devout. Job 41:15 Forgive us for our blindness. You call us to purchase eye salve so we can truly see. Rev 3:18 Because all those you love You You unmask and train.. BEHOLD.. You ARE standing at the door knocking.. Won't You please come in and feast.. We invite You in... |
November 2024