The Valley of Humility Come and taste My heart. Come and taste My glory Fire. Come and taste your life within Me. From your present condition, I will root out doubt, that thorny weed, self-doubt, self-pity and hostility towards other's ideas, and create a low place of humility - to build as a platform for greatness, the lower still kind. Recognition and greatness are two separate things.
Put away self importance, and put on the form of a servant like Me, and you will be great. Excellent of Spirit- that is what I want for you( Daniel 6:3, Dan 5:14). I want you to know that if you have/walk by My Spirit, you have an excellent spirit. "A spirit of wisdom, and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:12)." Taking delight in obeying the Lord. I want you to learn to serve as the lowest. Choose the lowest place: in your family, in your ministry, in your relationships- knowing that My Spirit, My Wisdom, My Excellence, My Counsel and Might, My Understanding, Knowledge, My fear of the Lord emanates from you. Especially choose My Love. Do you think _____ and ________ could serve hours in ministry without pay, without having giving up their rights? Do you think the cost is too much? I will show you greater things in the lowest place. This is not about being a celebrity. It's about celebrating Me. Come and know me in all My glory splendor. Come and know My heart. " Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of knowing Christ Jesus My Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ. The righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead (Phil. 13:8-10)." I have brought you to a new Territory; The edge of a land called Humility. Take My hand. Let's go there together. It has many inverse valleys, called Death to Self, Lowliness, Death to Pride and Selfish Ambition. But I will raise you up - I will give My angels charge over you. I AM better than you can imagine..., and once you have crossed through and look back, all will be GLORY. You will leap from glory to glory in the Heavenly places.
Trusting is a matter of expecting God and anticipating His delightful answer to my call for help. When resources are low and impossibilities are building, God says will you rest? Will you rest in My ceaseless love for you. Will you rest in My provision in the wilderness when you cannot see it. Will you have peace, because I am good when you can see it, and when you cannot. I am your all sufficient One. I am your possession, your inheritance, your very great reward. I AM. I am all you need for now and for tomorrow. I am the grace for yesterday's questions, and for tomorrow's challenges and triumphs. I am the all surpassing peace you crave when the road seems impossible. It's time to take out your wings and fly love. Burn deeply into My heart a response of passion for truth and be vibrant in My all consuming love. Your heart will abound with a fragrance of Me, outpouring like a never ending stream. You will learn to run the race, not looking behind you for interpersonal support but ahead, to Me, for My pleasure alone. For I am with you.... to do abundantly above and beyond all you could ask or think..
You need not understand right now the path I have you on. Just understand it is good. Because I am good. I rest on you, aligning you with My heart into my perfect plan ,as you trust in Me. Do not let fear alarm you. There is more. There is more. You are entering in. This wilderness is the way... the way into the promised land. No You are not forgotten. You are never forsaken. Do not forsake Me. My promises over your life are for real. For certain. I have never left them to die in the dust. They are becoming real, in My time, in My way. It will be unexpected and beautiful, like a light shining out of the dark over the stormy seas. Your heart will be glad as you see the direction and press forward to the shore. |
November 2024