Don't be afraid to try something new! Don’t be afraid to start from scratch. Don’t be afraid to begin again and find Me in the journey. I AM ALWAYS READY TO BRING YOU INTO NEW PLACES AND SHINE My face upon You. I am always ready to begin anew that’s why My mercies are new every morning. Come into the new places with me. Don’t hold back. I’ve been waiting for you here. There is a time to rest and there is a time to try something new and pick up the challenge. Challenging does not mean unenjoyable. What if your procrastination to follow Me is actually delaying the JOY I have set before you? What if..................... One thing for sure is My mercies over you are new every morning. What if the very next steps I am leading you into are the gateway to your joy and a breakthrough that you didn’t even know you needed? What if you will find ME there, full of grace and pleasure and delight?
New every morning...... My loving kindness, My chesed love, My covenant goodness never ceases towards you. (Lam. 3:22) Never. So don’t be so afraid to move into the new. I am here with My covenant love towards you. I am here to show you the bounty and abundance of My faithfulness (Lam. 3:23). My faithfulness is boundless, It is deep and intense. It never fails you. Oh, I know there have been times you’ve been disappointed, but My faithfulness never left you, even in the frustration you held towards Me, when the disappointment was so real to you. But I am painting you a new accurate picture of My love for you. Sometimes the picture we paint for ourselves from our experiences is not a true reflection of My love, because it’s been tainted by your limited view and enemy thoughts which were implanted during the difficulty. I am always ready to bring to you a breakthrough as you position yourself in trust and surrender. Yes, there will be times of trying and waiting, but just like Daniel prayed and I sent out My victory right away.... but the answer was delayed, you must trust My heart...... that My victory is already waiting to reach its mark. It’s already been sent out to bring the shift, to bring the revival of your heart, to bring the domain of My kingdom into order. Believe me dear when I say I Love you. I want nothing but the best for you. I love you so much I died. It is My JOY to bring you into new good things. I don’t tell you I love you the way the world does, no, My heart is pure, and my love reaches to the heavens Psalm 57:10. Do you now what that means for you My friend? THE SKY IS THE LIMIT! I have not put restrictions on you, for your growth or your prosperity. No I am the door. I am unlimited in My chesed love towards you..... You have yet to taste and see all the goodness I will bring towards you as you abide in My love.
January 2025