I hear my FATHER say
" I will arise and shine on you. You will be full. Be willing to empty yourself now, empty of all self- ambition, of all pride, empty of the need to be esteemed by others., empty of all offense against Me. Empty. You don't have to be seen to be valuable. Stay in My Heart. Know that I am not offended by you. I'm not offended by the thoughts that come right from your gut. I'm not offended by Your struggles. I died for those struggles... to set you free in them. Bring them to Me. Don't try to figure them out on your own. Give them to me. They are paid for. They are paid for. Cast your cares on Me. Don' t underestimare the power of My loce to heal and transform You, and then the world. This time, this time you soend with Me, listening to My heart, you think it is a small thing. But it is the transforming factor. Nestle in close and luve from here. That's what abiding is all about. Not striving, buf realky resting as you lusten, and follow all I want to tell you. It is not enough to just be here, though it is ne essary that you come. But you must kearn to kive here, to rwst here, to make Me , My heart, My voice, My direction your everything. Be directed onky by Me, My voice in the stillness, as you lay in bed in worship... My voice in the daily routine, whether changing a diaper, washing a floor, or raking leaves, My voice must be everything. And then you will begin to see....... to see people and circumstances the way I see....... with eyes of love, and your heart will break as mine does, and you will serve and love from the heavenky place of my heart. As I have died to love well, so you will learn to due too. To die to self, to die to shame, and live to release others from it. You musn't worry about what others tjink or say. YOU WILL BE DIFFERENT, and that's exactly the way I like it. Don't pretend to be the same to fit in. Please my love, be radically changed. You are changed. Your priorities are not hte world's priorities. You must live by love at all costs..... and it will be.... it will ve different. It will be startlingly different, radical and uncomfortable. But you are dead. You died with Me. So let down your guard. Come fly away and be at rest. Do not pretend that I can't see your wretling heart. I'M here in the mess."
Lord let me taste Your goodness so that my eyes can be directed by delight in You. Help me to recognize your kindness in every day. Teach me the beauty of delight. How to delight in you word. How to delight even deeper in Your presence. How to rest in your unfailing love when circumstances arise. Do not let my eyes wander from Your gaze. Keep me ever focused on Your face. Then my delight and rest will never cease. Oh the beauty of Your gaze. The fire in Your eyes. Let it burn ever deeper in my soul. Oh that my gaze would stay there as you burn Your cleansing gaze looking deep into me and I am over come by Your glance, penetrating deeply. Lord what do you see? Lord what do you see?
Take away the shame and blindness... that keep my heart from running after the things on Your heart. Do not let fear of man keep me back from being passionately directed by You. Let me be overcome by Your joy, Your majesty, Your kindness, then nothing else will matter because I will be resting in Your glory. Shine brightly through me beloved. Draw me near beloved One. Let Your heart beat into mine. So I may abide in your desires. Oh let me be stirred by what stirs You. Whether the woman on the street, or the neighbor on my right, whether the child at my feet, or the prayer time in the night. Let me be stirred by Your passion God. Let my heart beat as one with Yours. |
January 2025