![]() Rest in My goodness, that I will come align you love. Align you with My heart, align you with My love, align you with My master plan over you, over your team, over your family. I will keep you on the right path, going straight as you humble yourself before me. Keep going lower still, even as I lift you up. Keep discovering my greatness in you even as you discover your dependence on Me for everything you do.... for EVERYTHING you do. For you can do nothing without me, and you can do nothing without them, the body, the people that I place you with. Your independance will be swept away even as you begin to see My big picture in them to accomplish all I have for you and through you to others. You will begin to see how interconnected you are as a puzzle, desperately needy for each other in order to accomplish the work for which I sent you. You are needy to abide in Me, for anything to be accomplished. Doubt is one of your biggest enemies to abiding....self doubt, doubt in My goodness laid up for you, doubt in My abilities in you to be excellent. All these must be put aside in order to step in and step up in the My place of abiding at a higher level. In the place of My glory there is no room for doubt. Abide in My faithfulness and you will see the manifestation of more miracles, some that you expect to see and others that you do not anticipate..... because I am that good. Trust the Spirit of God in you to conform you to My purposes and My likeness as you yield to me your time, your agenda, your heart...even as I transform you into a transparency that you have not yet seen. You will be seen for who you are... no hiding; No hiding your motives, your agenda, your heart; but as I purify you it will not be necessary to hide, because you will be My fearless lover and all they will see is love as they look with My eyes. It's time to stop fearing the thoughts of others and launch out with My thoughts into the deep places of My heart for you. There will be no storm that can come against you there, for I am in you... with My authority to stop every storm that comes across My ambitions and My plans for you. ....as you abide. Abiding is the key to authority, to intimacy and so much more. Abiding is the key to prophetic alignment for this season, for courage to step into My plans for you before you even see the full ramifications of them. Abiding is the key to your 'Yes' being concrete when it really counts. Yes to suffering, when nobody sees, yes to loving well with the motives of My heart... yes to outrageous conflict and My resolutions to turn chaos into ladders of ecstasy in My glory presence. As I lead you into triumph in all these things ...and you will WONDER at my glory in and around you. For you will know it "is no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in Me." Get ready to see an acceleration of My goodness over you, lavished on you like never before. The strength to see the hardship and still catch your wind is at hand. It will not seem so hard. It will seem easy, as you know the pathways to forgiveness and healing, to come easily. Come side on the pathway to rest with me often. There I will give you My delight, and satisfy your soul. Do not miss these rest stops, designed for intimacy and love. Sometimes you will be alone, sometimes you will take others with you.... but listen to My song in the night to come aside, to come away and sing, and sleep in My presence. Come aside, come away. COME ASIDE. COME AWAY... and lie still as I bathe you in My goodness....and rest here, as I bathe you in My glory; and you will come away, My shining one. SHINE On Beloved. Shine on!
Trust Me child, to speak through you brightly, to develop an accuracy in your hearing gift. I am getting ready to burst forth on you like never before. You thought I was already bursting forth on you but it was just the beginning because I say you have not yet seen the momentum that I am about to carry you into. The momentum of My heart that is about to position you into new and greater things. The momentum of My destiny life within you that will break the tide the swelling fears that have been compressing you into doubt and shame will break open and be spilled over your life as you see the full manifestation of My goodness, My kindness over you. Do not be deceived. The manifestation of My goodness will come. Every scare tactic of the enemy will not stop the magnitude of My goodness, My faithfulness from reaching its destined end. I have declared it over you, for you to rejoice in, before you see it manifest. You will bring forth a mighty harvest in the earth with those I have appointed to walk this destiny road with you. You are not alone but are building a mighty team of warrior, dread champions who will cause fear to rise on the enemy as the Glory of MY rising in and upon you is manifest, seen and disclosed. You will not be ashamed but you will be vigilant to do My bidding to the enth degree for you are learning to trust Me to the enth degree to be your truth, to be your hallmark of perfection, of beauty , of accuracy of enduring promise. And as you cling to me, to My words in truth without wavering, without wandering, without doubting, you will arise stronger, faster, bigger and better than any warrior breed of weapons I have formed to destroy the enemy weapons that are coming against you. Do not be disheartened.
January 2025