discover His presence
![]() It's My dunamis power that works in you and through you to accomplish the things to which you are called. You will never walk alone, where I won't be willing to step in for you. Your accomplishments will be because of Me- abiding in My presence. So don't feel like you can't go low, can't be weak, because in your weakness I am strong. I will show up, perform My acts of goodness in such a way that they will know that I flow in and through you. It is supernatural, it is My goodness and it will bring Me great glory. So don't be afraid to stay low, slow and quiet as you watch Me work in and through you. When you feel your weakest, then you are more dependant on Me and you come through with My strength stronger than ever....because you are learning that as you rest in My ability, I can do more than you ever dreamed or imagined. As you rest in My ability, your arms are strengthened for war, your health is restored, your power comes from the flow of My love.... for you know you are not capable in and of yourself. I am not asking you to be strong My love... in yourself. I'm asking you to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might... to put on the whole armor of God, My protection over you, to see what you could not see, to feel what you cannot feel, to remove what you could not remove as you call forth freedom to arise in unprecedented ways. I'm calling you to arise to a new way of living, completely weak, acknowledging your own frailty so My power can manifest in you at new levels. This will keep you humble, reliant, radiant and full of My glory to do the work in you. In witchcraft, they pursue power to feel powerful. In My ways the servant, the least, will be empowered to do the heavy lifting to serve the body. You need not feel powerful to be empowered. It is better to feel needy and dependant on Me, so I can show myself strong for you. I will shift and change the powers that are reaping the wages of sin and death, into powers of My will and nature, ruling and reigning over territories, provinces and nations. My Angelic hosts will rule and reign with you- with the body to bring forth a manifestation of My goodness on the earth. Ruling and reigning in My kingdom is about seeing seeing the needy, the lost and the broken, and calling forth light and life into their darkness at any cost. It will be costly, but the cost will never outweigh the glory waiting for you, for all who step into my mantle of covering to carry out MY commision to love, as I gave it at the last supper. So for the JOY set before you, run the race with JOY. Whether you feel weak or are walking in a feeling of strength that day, remember it is all found in me. My power is perfected in weakness and you can do nothing apart from Me that My glory may be manifest on the earth. So come forth, Arise daughter of the king, put on your victory crown and let the enemy tremble in My presence as I illuminate the world though you, through those who I've chosen to accompany you on this journey of love. You will not come home fruitless, but you will arrive with much bounty and the beauty of My love radiating forth like never before. Rise My daughters come forth and be accounted for as the offspring of My love. I have set my favor on you to go forth and claim the victory. It is ever ceasing to walk in your own strength and power that will bring it ( victory) forth, in due time, for the glory of My kingdom.
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January 2025