discover His presence
Child, I see you pursuing My heart. I see you training your heart in righteousness and choosing to stay in My presence when other things are pulling, and I will reward you with Joy. I will reward you with passion. I will reward you with the desires of your heart and fill you up with ME. Because I have become your passion you will taste and see that I am good. You will taste and see that I have become the desire of your heart and I am filling that desire with MY goodness. I am filling that desire with My glory, and I will manifest My miracles and I will manifest My presence. So shake off the dust of despair, heaviness, doubt and dread of the future. Shake off all the anxiety and pursue Me in this season for you will be greatly rewarded and My heart will resonate within yours like never before. You will know we are one. You will see that you move in the flow of My love and miracles happen. That will be your new phrase, “MIRACLES HAPPEN” You will see love manifest in miracles in peoples lives all around you and I will not forget you for you will reap what you sow. I will sow generously into your life. The explosion of faith will reap great reward. Your faithfulness to Me will reap great reward as I give you courage to move forward into unchartered territory. I will speak My words through you with power and you will shift times and seasons by your words that you speak through ME... for I am in you, and You are in Me and we will bring restoration. We will break delay. We will raise up a standard of righteousness and the world will know what My people really look like because of their outrageous love for one another and their self-sacrificial love- without manipulation or self-promotion. It will look so strangely refreshing to the world and they will see that it works... because true love works, not out of religion but out of authentic passion stirred up from the Spirit of God within you. You will arise and come forth… My burning ones will arise and shine... not for a name but for MY NAME…. And as I am lifted up, I will exalt you to stand as the Sons and Daughters of God that you are…in POWER and Authority. This is the season for the Sons and Daughters to arise. Shed off the fear, cast aside the timidity and put on tenacity. Your tenacity will shine with love and steadfast resurrection power to resurrect things in the Earth you thought were dead. Movements will arise. Tensions will arise. I will be at the center stage, releasing My glory….Some will shake their heads but many will say “behold what the Lord is doing for He is good” and the miracle revivals will return and spill onto the streets with miracles, signs and wonders as my people walk in tenacious faith to declare My name, My healing power and the miracles will come easy, flow like water, even here in North America, it will flow and be captured on social media.. The miracles flowing like water from the everyday Christian who loves and serves Me with their whole heart. Their tenacious faith will release the stream because these are My faithful ones who I honor, with My glory carrying grace…. I love you children. I will honor you with the mantle of My saving works, miracles and wonders and many will be saved because of the glory that I am about to release. Praise Me for I’m about to do great things in your nation…. July 9, 2021
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